Everyone endures different circumstances in life that affect their everyday lives. Speech impediments come from different situations that people experience. The treatment for this needs to be custom-designed to help each individual person through their own journey. There are many accommodations in speech therapy for people who are looking for their own pace and journey. Speech therapy in Los Angeles helps people from all walks of life find their voice. 

  • Children

In the early stages of speaking, there are ways to determine if your child is developing a speech disorder. By age three, signs can be shown and can be as subtle as a child not speaking at all. 

  • Veterans

Rehabilitation is given to veterans who have either lost their hearing overtime as a result of the service or from other occurrences in life. There are many causes that can lead to a speech impediment such as damage in the brain that prevents a person from being able to process certain parts of language. Speech therapy also assists with habits that could help to reduce the chances of a stroke. 


Speech therapy can help people to find their voice and personality. The services that can be offered are based around becoming more feminine or masculine depending on your identification. These sessions help with everyday social situations to make people more comfortable in their skin. 

  • Multilingual

In southern California, we embrace and welcome cultural diversity. People from all over the world want to feel more comfortable when speaking in a language that isn’t their native tongue. Speech therapy in Los Angeles can help with pronunciations and mouth movements when formulating certain words and letters. This practice is also to help people become more comfortable in the social sphere.

  • About TG Voice Therapy

TG Voice Therapy leads the way in transgender voice training for the greater Los Angeles area.  It can be a scary thing, but TG Voice Therapy is here to help with all voice therapy needs. You can contact TG Voice Therapy via their website or give them a call at (323) 954 0887. Follow them on Facebook for more info!

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